Sunday, June 11, 2017

Heathenry in the archofuturist age.

As the fangs of the serpent of eld bites into the present, with its technological marvels and sophistications, a new cultural sensibility is becoming emergent in this age of rapid change and chaos, something unprecedented in past ages of our historical grasp. A culture which integrates the archaic old with the new. 

The ancestral memories buried in the depths of people's minds is  reemerging in the technological age,  this is gestating a new cultural vision.  Long overlooked philosophies and instruments is burgeoning into the alchemical  design of electrical technics. 

Lawless ones speaking about the runes, magic and rebellion in the age of the empire of nothing through the new electrical technics of humankind is causing a stir in the matrix of conformity. Elder barbarian ways is looking more appealing to folks within the globalist empire.


Bards of the current age speaking of times long unspoken of and forgotten through the screens of new apparatuses to kindle  an archetypal flame in people's minds of what has been obscured deliberately through priest classes of the enemies of the ancient ways and the serpents of heathencraft.

Music craft of heathen tribalism reemerges with the integration of the electrical techics of our current age. A cultural sensibility long forbidden by the priests who banished the serpent's hissing wisdom for sinister gains.

The archaic is becoming integral with the new current technics is creating an alchemical craft of archo - futurism 

The spells of heathen craft have been blown into the stirring winds of chaos and amnesia. We shall see what is upon us as the cycles of time change away....

Friday, November 13, 2015

The Pagan Forest; The Scientific Dance Of Eld!

It has become a scientific understanding in the modern world that music has the power and ability to accelerate the growth of plants and crops. Does it ever become an occurrence to people that the song and dance of the pagan culture perhaps had the same effect on their environment? And it perhaps was more effective since the energy of the people can be harvested in their rituals and celebrations.

In their worldview, everything was alive and animistic. This book, which goes by name of "The Secret Life Of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations between Plants and Man 

 clearly demonstrates that plants have a psychic sentience  to them, that they can respond to pain and emotions. The pagan psyche was more attuned to the natural environment than we are today. Their psychic faculties weren't atrophied by a materialist-scientific paradigm, like ours.  This is a science we have to rediscover. Well, please, give it a paganistic contemplation and speculation if you will; The rhythms of the dance would undulate the terrestrial earth, the songs of the instruments and vocal singing would respond emotionally to the plants, giving them an energy which would help them accelerate their growth.  

 Secret Life of Plants Documentary 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Revival Of The Pagan Mysteries - Part 1

"Paganism is wholesome because it faces the facts of life" Aleister  Crowley 

This world has been violently usurped by apocalyptic- death religions, religions which constrain the spirit and mind of people. Before the advent of the death cult of abraham, people had a healthier relationship with their environment, their body, and soul.   Paganism is neither  good nor evil, it is a science.  A religion which is based on practice, not on a doctrine, nor a set of beliefs. This is why people in antiquity considered their religions to be form of magic, since their practices have the capacity to alter people's consciousness. It was experiential, not doctrinal. Their oral traditions for instance, when the bard spoke his stories of wisdom. his spoken words alter people's sensorial experiences, allowed them to experience subtle realities with freshen senses. Their dances caused a change in their environment and awareness. And much more. To them, magic was interchangeable with religion. 

As of now, in this ever changing world, people who are interested in this pagan revival, should not be interested in other people's approval, whether or not it sounds moral and rational to the contemporary mind. If the practices and wisdom of paganism are effective, to the engulfing abyss about other people's opinions. It should not be comprised to suit other people's biases and approval, it should be fierce and beautifully mysterious. When its domesticated, it loses its power and sorcery.  Look at the current metal music community for instance, their music is voraciously loud and uneasy to listen to for the average person. But do people within that community actually care about the approval of other people's criticisms outside their community? No! Their criticisms are ineffective, that is how they want their culture to be like. We should share a similar attitude, and not care about other people's approval. And adopt " My way or  the high way" kind of attitude, in order to get aspirations and matters to work out successfully. Besides, the revival of paganism should have an edge to it, something which bites into people. Enough of this half-ass, nerd-like style of paganism. Which gives people the impression that anyone who has an interest in this kind of stuff plays too much World Of Warcraft, and wants escapism from this reality, so he calls himself a Druid. This is not subversive to mainstream religions and culture. The visions are too weak and tame, their not voluptuous enough.

Thankfully, to our advantage, we have the texts of religions around the world at our convenience. Since religion is a form of science in itself, we can compare them and draw similarities from them. When identical, religious ideologies become universal, they have some validity to them. These sort of studies can help progress our understanding of paganism. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Possible Reality Of Demons Part 1

In the ancient world there was a universal belief system, or I should say "understanding", of demons. In a world dominated by rigid materialist ideologies it has become taboo & superstitious to explore demonology seriously, and to see if there's generally anything overlooked from the ancient wisdom traditions. 

We accept the five sense reality as the definitive reality, even though there's scientific evidence to suggest there's more to reality than what meets the eye. People should start asking themselves if there's pathological forms of consciousnesses other there, that reside beyond our conscious perception, in this reality.

Why? Because it is known in the shamanistic traditions that initiates were trained to go into different realities and battle with these parasitic forces so they don't come into this reality and invade it. 

Impossible? Say if you lived a few centuries ago, and if you were to talk about germs and bacteria before the invention of the microscope, you would have been hanged for your heretical theories since such a phenomenon is not visible to the human eye. Saying that, we can conclude there's parasitic forces out there, in the microscopic level, that can damage our health. And needless to say, such a phenomenon is not visible to the human eye. So is there
 forces, outside our conscious perception, that can contaminate our consciousness? To be continued...

Thursday, January 23, 2014


To make matters perfectly umabiguous, I'm not an authority on this topic, by any stretch of the imagination. As a matter of fact I'm still an unknowledgable novice when comes to the arte Magickal.  This article is simply intended to exchange and provoke notions that would otherwise be left unacknowledged by people.

My personal terminology of Sorcery is a philosophical discipline which you utilize to help you gain mastery of the inner and outer world  And it's crucial elements, of wind, fire, earth, water, and Spirit. It can be comparable to the yogic and martial arts disciplines. The discipline encapsulates all the aspects of the human being - intellect, intuition, body, and Spirit. Our double helix of D.N.A is a strain of ancestral memories and star dust which we originated. from. In less unclear words,  our body is a temple of dormant wisdom that has yet to be penetrated to it's core. Million years of evolution and experiences are left unacknowledged in the deepest reservoirs of the double twain serpent, with it's mystical venom awaiting fecundation for the seeker's consciousness.  

"Yes, but we've localized it. Now I know where the Self is. It's in our own minds. It's a form of human energy. Our atoms are six billion years old. We've got six billion years of memory in our minds." From the Movie "Altered States"

True seekers of the wisdom of the elder craft realize these realities are practical and penetrable through ancient disciplines descended down from cultures of antiquity. This arte of sorcery is a mystery. Once you delve deeper into it the more you realize how little you know about reality, regardless of the accumulation of facts and knowledge you have made through the course of your lifetime. 

The Sorcerer is a caretaker as well as a disturber of the cosmos. His resilience leads to perfections. His like water, flowing in & out of situations and circumstances, and changing them for provocative reasons so reality doesn't stagnant, and instead, fluctuates with dynamism.

His mind is his crucial tool to become receptive to the oceanic flows of consciousness. Through Sex, Entheogenic indulgences, Ecstatic dances, meditation, and others, he can obtain higher states of consciousness and direct apprehension of reality. 

This is why indigenous sorcerers know which plant is poisonous and which one is not. They have direct apprehension of reality, Gnosis. To them it is everyday reality. But to the dogmatic rationalist, it's beyond the ruler-ship of this World. But the indigenous sorcerer has the simple and clear grasp that he has access and ownership of his own consciousness. So he doesn't need to over-psychologize and scientifically analyze his own direct access of his consciousness to the point where his experiences become watered down and dull to find out it's true authenticity of such states. He understands that his ability for intuition is transcendental.    

This occult faculty perhaps can give us further access to the recollections of embedded energies in skeletal remnants and ruins. The ancients claimed we live in a world immersed in spirits. The spirits are a catalyst to spiritual dimensions and we are catalyst for them for the physical dimension since they cannot effect the material domain. Both dimensions are complementary to each other. Neither of which are superior to each other Both are dependent on each other. This is the responsibility of sorcery - accessing these occult dimensions and making a bondage with the spirits so both domains, physical and spiritual, can interact in equilibrium with each other What else is out there? Is my fascination! Our potential faculties are in slumberhood. 

 Since we live in an age of spiritual darkness, the inverted pentagram becomes the most suitable motif, representing the oppressive resistance of the material elements against the Spiritual. All such dimensions lead to unique opportunities to the present state of reality in which we situate in. Nothing evil about it, unless you're a religious fanatic. But the darkness represents the unknown and the as yet unexplored. 

It can even be stated that artistic inspirations are drawn from the Darkness. That the darkness fertilizes the pineal gland with melatonin in darkened rooms and the like. This can heightened it's receptivity and channel potent occult forces through it. This may be why you hear about Mayan Jaguar priests who isolate themselves in years of darkness to obtain such occult faculties. Or how "Pythoness" the greek witch, lived in a darkened cave. But she had gained her dynamic powers through the darkness. 

 It can even be speculated that Art was discovered in darken caverns of caves, where the primordial sorcerer first tested and experimented with his mind and consciousness. This discovery most probably gave magickal enchantment and embedded awe to his tribe, similar to the time when the element of Fire was discovered. This is perhaps when the sorcerer came to the divine realization of it's power and importance to re-configure reality, with his newly understood artistic potentialities. To guide his tribe with visions and dreams taken from the darkness of the Void. 

"In every artistic activity a new world is created, a cosmos, a world enlightened and free" Nikolai berdyaev

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Initiation...

Greetings fellow Wanderers,

This Blog is a dedication to the unknown okkult forces that permeates our largely misunderstood planet. A planet that has innumerable Mysteries awaiting our acknowledgement and discovery. In fact we have yet to penetrate it's surface, knowing nothing what lies yonder. Speculation and the imagination will be the key significance to make the early penetrations, coupled with factual information about the Mysterious.

And I shall also give my sheer gratitude to the people who heed to the snake's hisses and slitherings, wanting to get hold of Lucifer's fire!